Thursday, December 11, 2008

Talk to Me

Post your question as a comment to this post, or email me and I will post the topic to start dialogue. Join the Blog...let me be :

YOUR...Male Best Friend


  1. So...

    My Boyfriend recently lost his job due to a layoff. Sincethen...our reelationship has been on the rocks, he has been standoff-ish and i would say depressed. Of course I try to hold him down, And I do love him...though I dont know how else to support him or make things right. Any advice???

  2. I have been with my current boyfriend for 2 year. We are getting serious and have been talking about marriage. However..we never lived together. He thinks we should move in now but I dont think so. I'm not super traditional but I would rather wait until we are married to live together. He say's we need to see eachothers habits..but I think that "habits" should not be able to make or break a marriage...what do you think??
