Monday, April 20, 2009



I know that I have slowed down tremendously though I know that I have a duty to uphold and I am ready to get back to work. As always, I am here for you. I have a few things I would like to share that are on my mind that I know would be beneficial. Though, it is my passion to address personal issues you may be having. I'm calling out to all woman for their help in providing me with new hot topics I can post about. Spawnie, I have u covered first. And I will respond in order of submit following.

Also, for your benefit, I just completed the Steve Harvey book: "Act Like A Lady, Think Like a Man". My review of the book is coming shortly as well. I am going to add it to my list of books recommended, though my goal is to give you even better, more specific info.

If you don't really want to purchase the book, feel free to email me at for a free copy courtesy of me :)

Special Shout to the 'ladies' who I donated my extra copy of the book to while on the plane ride back home. I hope you too, become followers and I can become Your...Male Best Friend!