Friday, January 30, 2009

I need your input...


Several of you have emailed me personally to let me know what you think about my posts, which i dearly appreciate. Though, do remember that you can comment on any post ANONYMOUSLY! You do not need to have a blog ID to do so. I appreciate you reading and hope you continue to do so.

With that being said, I really look forward to your comments, as well as questions. I have many topics I would like to post, though my passion behind my writing comes from addressing issues that are brought to my attention by others. Feel free to comment to this post about anything! How you feel about the blog in general, a specific post, or if you have a topic you would like me to write about.

Thank you in advance for your contribution!

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoyed reading your blogs and I think this blog has a purpose. One issue I would like us to discuss is inter-racial dating. Black women are upset with black men finding love with white women, but they don't have the same hatred for black women and white men. They feel as though they can't give inter-racial a chance. I am in an inter-racial relationship. I am a black woman and my fiancee is dominican and italian.
